Planning for Your Pet’s End of Life

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Knowing your pet is reaching the end of its life can be a very difficult and emotional experience. By carefully planning for your pet’s final days, however, you can be sure the animal is comfortable and relaxed as the end nears.
A Pet’s End of Life
Different pets have different lifespans, from just a few weeks to several years or even several decades depending on the animal species and its overall health. No matter what the actual age of the pet, however, pet owners will notice different clues that can indicate a pet’s life is nearing its end, such as…
- Overall declining health, including less resistance to disease or more difficulty healing
- Loss of mobility, such as joint ailments, loss of muscle strength, or decreased agility
- Vision and hearing loss or other changes that impede the animal’s senses
- Changes in appetite, activity level, and overall behavior
- Weight loss or loss of muscle tone and body condition, such as poor posture
- Sleeping more or general loss of interest with lower energy levels
As a pet’s health declines and its life approaches a natural end, pet owners can make provisions for compassionate, nurturing care and a peaceful passing to ease a pet’s final days with love and grace.
Making the Hard Choice
It can be difficult to witness a pet’s failing health, and many pet owners find themselves considering options to humanely ease an animal’s decline. As a pet begins to show signs that the end is near, it is important to consult a veterinarian for an overall checkup and prognosis, as it is possible the pet’s condition may be temporary and could be treated. A veterinarian experienced with elderly pets may also be able to recommend different options such as medications, home modifications, dietary changes, or activity changes that can accommodate an aging pet and extend its life happily and productively.
If there are no reasonable options to extend a pet’s life, particularly if the animal may be experiencing increasing pain or confusion that degrades its quality of life, pet owners may consider euthanasia to ease their pet’s passing. A veterinarian can consult on how such a treatment could be administered with the least stress to the animal and the caring family, and may even be able to schedule a home visit so the pet can spend those final moments in the most familiar and comfortable surroundings. Such a decision should not be made quickly or without careful thought, and many veterinarians are willing to schedule appointments within a few days so the family has time to cherish final memories with their beloved pet.
Is Hospice an Option?
Depending on the pet and its overall condition, hospice care may be an option for its final days. This is particularly true for a terminal illness, or if the animal’s condition may deteriorate rapidly. Hospice can be an alternative to euthanasia, but should always be under the care of a qualified veterinarian to ensure the animal receives the proper medical care for its comfort and to ease any pain. Ideally, hospice care should be undertaken at home where the pet will feel most at ease and can spend the most time with its family, but some veterinary hospital facilities may be available for hospice pet care, depending on the circumstances and the pet’s final needs.
Memorializing Your Pet
When your pet passes, it can be a comforting gesture to memorialize that treasured family member in a meaningful way. There are several options pet owners can consider, whether they plan to bury or cremate their pet after its passing.
- Grave markers, such as stones, statues, or memorial trees
- Urns with the pet’s name or pawprint imprinted on the surface
- A professional photo session during the pet’s last days
- Paw print sculptures or framed ink or paint paw prints
- A clipping of the pet’s fur in a locket, frame, or other keepsake
- Jewelry made from a small amount of the pet’s ashes
Above all, it is important to understand that grief is just as natural for a passed pet as it would be for any human family member. When a pet is approaching its end of life, accepting that grief and experiencing it can be difficult, and pet owners may want to consider pet grief or bereavement support groups through a local veterinarian, animal lovers group, humane society, or other organization.
Pet owners do all they can to give their furry, scaled, and feathered family members happy and healthy lives, and when those lives are drawing to a close it can be difficult and heart-wrenching to accept the loss. Knowing how to plan for a pet’s end of life can help any pet owner spend the last days with a beloved pet in a fulfilling and peaceful way, keeping the animal comfortable and at ease to a safe and restful end.
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